性 别:男
籍 贯:江苏南京人
擅 长:
职 称:
师 承:裘缉木
头 衔:
注册时间:2023-07-11 10:01:26
总访问量: 4434
Artistic Resume
Tang Jingfu, with the courtesy name of Chunfu, also styles himself as "The Master of Chunfeng Hall", was born in Nanjing of Jiangsu province in 1964 and raised . He is the student of Qiu Jimu of Chinese National Academy of Painting and enjoys high reputation as an artist of Fanyang Landscape Studio as well as Tanghui Landscape Studio of Rongbaozhai. This eminent but simple-background painter is named Tang Jingfu.
联系人:张先生 联系电话:010-69054683 15311530351
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